
Neues von The Knife

bringt Karin Dreijer Andersson (eine Hälfte von The Knife) als Fever Ray Ende März ein Soloalbum raus. Die erste Single heißt If I Had A Heart, das Video ist von Andreas Nilsson, der schon lange mit The Knife zusammenarbeitet.

schreiben The Knife im Auftrag von Hotel Pro Forma die Musik und das Libretto für eine Oper über Darwin. Premiere ist im September 2009 in Copenhagen.
Auf der Website heißt es dazu:

"In November 2009, it is 150 years since Charles Darwin published The Origin of Species. Our view of the world has been changed forever as a result of the theory of evolution. Tomorrow, in a year uses Darwin’s way of observing and describing the world. Change as a process and the interrelationship of all things is the basic material of the performance. Darwin claimed that evolution is not linear but moves in curves, in leaps. Tomorrow, in a year points to evolution as a field of possibilities, where nature unfolds its great liberality, finding niches and new paths. A performance of evolution and change, of transformation and mutation.

Tomorrow, in a year is an opera. The Swedish music group The Knife creates completely new compositions that challenge the conception of opera. The form is experimental and exploratory. The music is written for three singers who come from different backgrounds: electronica pop, classical opera and performance. They are structure, sensation, form, time and thought. They are the spokesman, the organiser, and the one who acts."

Ich bin gespannt!